Are you curious enough?

The Leiden2022 model & position paper

A new, scalable, co-creation method to spark playful interactions between scientists and citizens, aimed at connecting science and society.

Leiden2022 is the very first European City of Science to present a year-long program aimed at connecting science and society. In doing so, we kickstarted a new European tradition. We also created an advanced, practice-based model for Public Engagement with Science: open-minded, bottom-up, and with a playful 'just do it' mentality.

Curious? Click below for our Position Paper, and read more…



Be part of openness: Connecting science with society - Leiden2022

‘Science needs an entrepreneurial approach’ - TalentOn


Leiden European City of Science 2022 was a 365-day festival packed with activities, lectures, workshops, excursions, exhibitions, and events, for everyone with a curious mind, the goal of which is to connect science and society. During countless conferences and extraordinary meetings major issues of our time were discussed. On a local scale, we co-created an exciting program, sharing science, knowledge, art and expertise with and for locals. Curious about our results?

Download our Fact Sheet

“This year Leiden will be a breach, sharing science, knowledge, art and skills building new connections between science and society in innovative and open ways.”

Mariya Gabriel - European Commissioner for Innovation,
Research, Culture, Education and Youth - European Commission.

“We wanted to create something big: a festival framework consisting of 365 days, each day a curiosity-driven topic, with activities at its core. Driven by progress and connection. It proved to be a succesful format.”

Lucien Geelhoed - Intendant Leiden2022

"Science only truly becomes a treasure if
we share it with the rest of the world"

Robbert Dijkgraaf, Minister van OCW
Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap